Mar 28, 2018
Today on the podcast my guest is Jordan Lee Dooley. Jordan is married to Matt Dooley, they currently live in Indiana, and have a Goldendoodle pup named Hoosier.
Jordan Lee organically founded a ministry SoulScripts, during her college days at Indiana University. Jordan would doodle scripture on paper and canvas as a...
Mar 21, 2018
Today my guest on the podcast is Nicole Zasowski. Nicole is married to Jimmy, they have a two year old son and currently live in Connecticut. Nicole is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Connecticut where she has a private practice. She earned her BA in Psychology from Pepperdine University and...
Mar 14, 2018
I have the immense pleasure of having Roma Downey join me today on Thriving Beyond Belief!
From humble beginnings in Ireland and losing her mother at a young age to being a coat check girl in New York to being America’s favorite voice of hope in Touched by an Angel, Roma’s story rivals that of the films that she now...
Mar 7, 2018
I am super excited to have my friend, Kathie Lee Gifford, back on the podcast! She was first on Thriving Beyond Belief last September as we talked about Jesus, her faith, her new book coming out, her hubby Frank and much more!
Kathie Lee is a talented and gifted woman who loves Jesus more than life. She co-hosts with...