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Thriving Beyond Belief with Cheryl Scruggs

Jun 20, 2018

Kristi Hayes joins me today on Thriving Beyond Belief! It was wonderful speaking with her and discovering our kinship with our hearts for women. We share a passion to help women thrive as their whole selves- physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Kristi does her life with her husband, Grant, and her two children now in Denver. She and her husband have a ministry called “Be Strong Story” that they began 2 years ago. What began as a simple note to their son that encouraged him to be strong and protect the weak blossomed into a ministry that helps families live in the same mentality.

A big discussion for us today is how we, as women, reevaluate life after children. For those that work hard in every way, we talk about the balance of thriving in our own story as well as balancing that with raising children well and being fully present with our families.

Kristi and I discuss the balance of her marriage, different communication styles, the importance of prayer with each other, and keeping the Lord at the forefront of the marriage. Date nights, marriage accountability partners, and adventuring together are some of the few things that have helped keep Kristi’s marriage thriving.

It was refreshing to discuss the glorification of the busy with Kristi, where so often we “do” a lot of things, but “sprinkle God’s name” in everything, without it truly being for the Lord. Kristi was asked to “stop” by the Lord and be truly content to just be with Him. We too often find our worth in the work we say we are doing for the Lord instead of our worth and value being truly in Christ Himself.

From the topic of true accountability to being vulnerable to fears that we share, this episode truly hits home with so many issues that we as women face today. We often struggle between the balance of who we think we are, what others perceive about us, and what the Lord tells us about ourselves that is the ultimate truth. He speaks to us through His Word that tells us who we truly are in Him. A challenge that this episode presents is if we are truly spending time with the Lord because we see it as a box to check off for the day or if we truly have a desire to spend time knowing the Lord more.

Please tune in to receive some true encouragement and wisdom from my talk with Kristi. It will bless your day!