Sep 12, 2018
I am thrilled to have Julie Solomon on Thriving Beyond Belief today!
Julie currently lives in LA with her husband and son. She blogs and has a podcast that focuses on helping others gratitude, grow their business as influencers in the blog/podcast market.
The theme of the blog today is simply finding balance in the multi-faceted roles women have today. From finding our personal purpose in life to marriage to motherhood, Julie emphasizes the importance of meeting all of these pressures in our lives with gratitude. Gratitude in who the Lord is in our lives gives us the ability to thrive. God daily gives us everything we need, so we need to be wonderful stewards of His gifts and utilize them to our highest potential.
Julie speaks on how living with the mindset of abundance lets us live without fear. We learn to lean into the abundance of the Lord in every aspect of our lives, so that we are to find balance in being working mothers and wives. One way does this is by learning to create before consuming, which leads to seeking gratitude first instead of seeing what's lacking in life. We take some time to discuss having the perspective of abundance rather than scarcity.
In this episode, we speak specifically on intentional practices in your life that lead to balance. This includes ways to truly connect with your children, how to carve out intentional time with your spouse, how to deal with anxiety, the importance of community, and how to carve out time in your schedule for yourself.
We end with Julie talking through how to set good goals in your life and business. She speaks on truly knowing your "why", which helps steer every other decision you need to make, in regards to your purpose.
I hope today's episode encourages, uplifts, and challenges you today!